This is a digital gift card. After the purchase, you will receive an email with the gift card and instructions on how to use it. The card can be used as payment for any products we have. Our gift cards do NOT expire!
You can give the gift to your recipient in multiple ways: - To print and give in person simply click "View Gift Card" in the email and print the resulting page. The page at such link contains all the needed info: a link to the store where the card can be applied, current gift card balance, and instructions on how to use it.
- You can forward the email to your recipient
- You can send the link to the gift card via sms or messenger. Again, the link contains all the needed info - a link to our store, the current gift card balance, and full instructions.
Recipients can’t apply more than one gift card per order.
Discount coupons can't be used for a gift card purchase. If you apply a coupon code to your order, the discount applies to all the products in the order except the gift card.
A gift card can’t be used to buy another gift card.
Gift cards are not subject to taxes at the moment of purchase, as taxes are charged when customers add specific items to cart and actually redeem the gift card. The exact amount of taxes depends on the products in the order, shipping address, shipping/delivery methods used, etc.
Gift cards cannot be uploaded to Facebook or Instagram due to Facebook’s Terms of Use.